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Chem. Adina Boldeiu (Bragaru) (

She received the Ph.D. degree in chemistry (PhD thesis - Nanostructurated modified surfaces and their applications) in 2012 from the University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Her research area includes:
- metallic nanoparticles synthesis (AuNPs, AgNPs, PtNPs) with controllable size and shapes – incorporated PtNPs based nanocomposite membrane, – gold nanorods (AuNRs) for protein conjugation;

- nanoparticles analytical characterization, size distribution and stability, in terms of zeta potential surface charging, by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS) methods, as well as for hazard assessment – studies related to nanoparticles interaction with biological media;
- functional nanomaterials – polymers-metallic nanoparticles-based nanocomposites for methanol electrocatalysis in proton exchange membrane fuel cells; platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) inside of the the protonic membrane matrices
- layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly technique development applied on different types of substrates - Nafion membrane, modified silicon or ITO - to obtain hybrid nanoarchitectures to enhance (bio) sensitivity or to improve fuel cells performances;
- preparation of the nanostructurated silicon (porous silicon) functional sensing layers and respectively nanostructurated silicon microparticles for drug delivery;She was the IMT principal investigator of PN II-PCCA research project “Improved production methods to minimize metallic nanoparticles' toxicity – less classic, more green – LesMoreNano” (2014-2016)
She is the contact person for DelsaNano (Beckman Coulter, USA) equipment – Experimental laboratory for nanoparticles – MINAFAB.


Chem. Adrian Apostol (

He received BSc in Chemistry at University of Bucharest – Faculty of Chemistry – Department of Inorganic Chemistry. In 2018, he received MSc in Chemistry at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. The theme of his dissertation thesis was “Homo and heteroclusters of CoII/III and NiII containing aminoalcohols and carboxylate anions”, in which he synthesised different nanomaterials having magnetic properties. This kind of molecules are supposed to be the technology for storing data in quantum computers.
During 2018-2021, he attends the PhD programme in Chemistry at University of Bucharest.
The theme of his PhD is “Coordinative compounds attached on graphene”, which tries to obtain novel composite materials having luminescent or magnetic properties.
Also, during 2020-2022, he attends a master’s in computer science, “Databases and Software Technologies”, at University of Bucharest.


Chem. Alexandru Bujor, PhD Student (

Alex received his BSc degree (2018) and MSc degree (2020) in Chemistry from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest. The focus of his studies were related to inorganic chemistry - metal complexes with compartmental ligands (BSc) and the development of a working protocol for the investigation of yeast cells using the scanning electrochemical microscopy technique.
Currently (2020) he’s attending a PhD programme at the same university in the field of organic chemistry and the proposed title for his thesis is “Synthesis of new fluorescent and paramagnetic ionophores”. The aim of his research is to synthesize new paramagnetic compounds with high metal complexation and fluorescent properties with applications in biochemistry and energy conversion devices.

He is conducting electrochemical experiments using the scanning electrochemical microscopy technique and also the contact person for anything related to the ElProScan-HEKA-MINFAB equipment.


Alexadru Salceanu, Biol. (

He obtained his BSc degree in physics 2002, from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. The theme of his bachelor thesis was based on programming of ATMEL microchips.
He also obtained in 2018 his BSc degree in biochemistry, from the Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest. The theme of his bachelor thesis was based on gene differential expression using Microarray.
He joined the Nanobiotechnology laboratory in 2019 where his research interests include development of integrated detection systems for viral nucleic acids.



Phys. Cosmin Romanitan ( Curriculum Vitae-

He joined IMT-Bucharest in 2014 and his research work is focused on microstructural characterization of different nanomaterials/thin films through X-ray methods (e.g. X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity and small angle X-ray scattering) with a further correlation with the physical properties. In 2019 he received the PhD degree in the field of Condensed State Physics from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania. The theme of the PhD thesis was development of new X-ray based methods for obtaining in-depth information about the structural defects and strain present in different types of nanomaterials, such as heteroepitaxial layers, porous layers or nanowires.
He is the contact person for SmartLab Thin film Difraction System (Rigaku) – MINAFAB, which allows ultra-high resolution triple axis multiple reflection.


Phys. Irina Bratosin (

She received BSc in 2017 in physics at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics. The theme of her bachelor thesis was "Control Module for Electrochemical Deposition Process".
During 2017-2019 she attends the MSc in “Physics for Advanced Materials and Nanostructures” at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics.
Her research interests include supercapacitors characterization through Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Cyclic Voltammetry.


Phys. Iuliana Mihalache, Postdoctoral Researcher (

Dr. Iuliana Mihalache received her Ph.D. degree in solid state physics (2015) from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. Her research involves optoelectronic micro and nano devices based on graphene quantum dots, nanoparticles, 1D and 2D nanostructures, organic dyes, perovskite materials, etc. along with the exploration of the physical mechanism behind nanomaterials-based applications. Her expertise includes silicon device fabrication and characterization.

She is the contact person for FLS920P spectrometer (Edinburgh Instruments, UK) - MINAFAB, equipped for various optical measurements involving photoluminescence, electroluminescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.


Larisa Gogianu, Biol., M Sc. Student (

She is a biologist with a background in philosophy, currently enrolled at the University of Bucharest both as a graduate student in Genetics and Applied Biotechnology (Faculty of Biology) and a PhD student in the Philosophy of Biology (Faculty of Philosophy). She received her BSc degree in Experimental Biology in 2019, after finishing her MA (2016) and BA (2014) in Philosophy, at the University of Bucharest. As a biologist, her work focuses on molecular detection and characterization of human DNA and RNA viruses. At the beginning of 2020, she joined the Nanobiotechnology laboratory where she is involved in projects that aim to develop detection systems for viral nucleic acids.


Biol. Melania Popescu(

Melania Popescu received her PhD in Biological Sciences in 2018, at the Faculty of Biology-University of Bucharest, Romania. Her doctoral theme regarded the development of biochips for high-throughput detection and analysis of biomolecules for clinical diagnosis applications. Its accomplishment required to combine knowledge in surface chemistry, materials characterization, genetics, bioinformatics, image and data analysis.

Since she joined IMT-Bucharest (August 2013), she gained hands-on experience in manufacturing 3D microarray platforms based on Silicon Nanowires (SiNWs). She has expertise in the development of functionalization and DNA probe attachment protocols on various substrates (nanostructured silicon, gold films, silicon-on-insulator - SOI), evaluated by surface plasmon resonance (SPR), electrical characterization (Ψ-MOSFET), and microarray technique.


Laboratory Head —Dr. Mihaela Kusko (

Mihaela Kusko obtained the B.Sc. degree (1998) in Solid State Physics and the PhD degree (2006) in physics / nanotechnology, both from Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest.
Since 1998 she joined IMT-Bucharest, where her main research activities are in the field of nano(bio)technologies, from study of nanomaterials and nanostructures to their integration in complex devices. She was the leader of the Romanian team in the FP7-NMP-2010-LARGE-4 Collaborative Project “Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials - NanoValid” (2011-2015) and, in LIFE+ project (Environment Policy and Governance) “Development of an interactive tool for the

implementation of environmental legislation in Nanoparticle manufacturers - i-NANOTOOL” (2013-2015), both in the nanosafety area.Over the last years, she has actively contributed to establish new research directions towards the applicative potential of nanomaterials /nanostructures /nanocomposites spanning from opto-electronics to biomedicine and energy harvesting, while guiding young researchers in master or doctoral studies who joined L1.
Nowadays energy related components and devices become the leading domain of interest for M. Kusko, a special attention being dedicated to the ones involving electrochemical processes. Accordingly, silicon based nanosystems and microdevices were developed for electrochemical energy conversion and storage, in the frame of the Ideas and Partnership National research projects.   She currently leads a PNIII-PCE project (2021-2024) focused on engineering low dimensional heterostructures for boosting the performances of on-chip 3D energy storage / power delivery device.


Dr. Mihai Mihaila (

M. Mihaila holds a Ph. D. in physical electronics (1997, Politech. Univ. Bucharest). From 1971 till 1996 he was with ICCE - Bucharest, while from 1996 to 2003 he was a principal research scientist at National Inst. of Microtechnology (IMT). In 2003, he joined Honeywell Advanced Technology Center, Sensors Laboratory – Bucharest and left it in 2015 as senior principal research scientist. In 2015, he came back to IMT as a research scientist I. He is recognized for the discovery of the phonon excitation mechanisms in noise and phonon fluctuation spectroscopy (US patent 7612551B1, 2009). He has more than 125 publications, 20 USA patents (23 pending), 5 EU patents, 1-Japan, 1-China, 3 pending - India. Since 1999, he is a member (associate) of the Romanian Academy.

His main areas of expertise are in: Solid-state electronics; Fluctuations in semiconductors, semiconductor  devices, metals and small-dimensional structures; Noise spectroscopy, with emphasis on nanospectroscopy for nanostructures and nanomaterials characterization; nanotechnology and nanosensor physics; nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanodevices characterization and their application in sensing and energy conversion; new sensing mechanisms/principles and sensing structures; crystallographic defect engineering and characterization.
He acted as director and principal investigator of the MATNANTECH project (Masuratori de zgomot electronic in nanomateriale: o noua metoda de investigare, 2002-2004); principal investigator in the EU – NEMSIC - Hybrid Nano-Electro-Mechanical/Integrated Circuit Systems for Sensing and Power Management Applications (2008-2012) – his results in this project were declared the NEMSIC highlight in 2012; principal investigator of the structural project NovoCELL (2010-2013); team member of the EU - SOI-HITS (2014-2015) – this project won the 2015 EU Innovation Award Competition.


Dr. Monica Simion (

She is senior researcher at IMT since 1996 and she has a PhD in Engineering from University ‘Politehnica’ Bucharest since 2011. She has a strong expertise in biomedicine area, starting with fabrication and characterization of silicon based nanostructurated materials (porous silicon) for biomedical applications and going forward to development of experimental protocols based on microarray technology for biomolecular recognition envisaging clinical diagnosis applications, as allergy diagnosis, HPV  and SARS-Cov 19 detection.

Dr. M. Simion led the research activities for obtaining of new substrates for microarray technology, our group being one of the first which reported results for porous silicon as a valid substrate for DNA/proteins microarray chip. Her last coordinated projects were: the national funded PNII project “Multi alergen biochip realised by microarray technology -MAMA” (2007-2010)  and  PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0820: „New methods of pregnancy monitoring and prenatal diagnosis – MiMoSa” (2018-2021), more over at international cooperation she lead a FP7-MNT-ERA project “A system-in-a-microfluidic package approach for focused diagnostic DNA microchips – DNASIP”, and also a project on Integrated Action Program Brancusi, PN-III P3-3.1-PM-EN-FR-2016 (2016-2017), "DNA Biosensing with Silicon-on-Insulator Substrates - BIS-SOI".

Moreover, she is the contact person for Micro-Nano Plotter (OmniGrid) and Microarray Scanner - GeneTAC UC4 (Genomic Solutions Ltd., UK)MINAFAB, currently used for microarray spot plotting and scanning.


Phys. Pericle Varasteanu (

He received M.Sc degree in physics (2016) from Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest – Department of Medical Physics. The theme of his dissertation thesis was Simulation study of heavy ions in medical applications”, where he simulated the human tissue starting from its elemental composition and he studied the deposited energy in the Bragg peak region using GEANT4 software. From 2017, he attends the PhD programme in Physics at University of Bucharest. His thesis entitled: “Plasmonic heterostructures for opto-electronics applications: Theoretical and Experimental studies” is focused on plasmonic heterostructures where the emphasis is on improving the performances of surface plasmon resonance (bio)sensors by coating the metallic layer with 2D materials. His technical skills includes: ImageJ (SEM analysis), Python and R (scripting, data analysis), FDTD, FEM (simulations), Inkscape and Blender (graphics) and OriginLab (data analysis, plotting). 

His research areas covered are surface plasmon resonance analysis for nanomedicine applications, simulations of plasmonic heterestroctures using FDTD and FEM algorithms, optimizing the surface plasmon resonance performances using optimization alghortihms along with Transfer Matrix Method and fabrication and investigation of Nanoporous gold (NPG) structures for biosensing applications.


Dr. Razvan Pascu (

Razvan PASCU received the B.Sc. degree in 2010, the M.Sc. degree in microsystems in 2012 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2015 from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. In 2010, he joined IMT Bucharest and since 2019 he is Postdoc at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. Since 2020, he is member of the Romanian Young Academy, which is funded by Stiftung Mercator and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the period 2020-2022.
His research activities are focused on fabrication and characterization of silicon and silicon carbide-based devices and they include design and micro-fabrication of the electronic devices, electrical characterization, and data processing.

In this sense, he designed and fabricated a new SiC device architecture using a ramp profile in oxide using a wet etching protocol based on chemical solutions, guaranteeing a better distribution of the current density and a near-ideal breakdown voltage in comparison with the standard terminations in discrete devices. He optimized different technological processes for both Schottky diodes and MOS capacitors fabricated on SiC, proposing different post-metallization and post-oxidation annealing processes in order to obtain a high-quality metal/semiconductor interface, with less inhomogeneities in a Schottky contact, or to improve the oxide/semiconductors interface.




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Last update: January, 2023